Seminar «Our president, our pride»

Seminar «Our president, our pride»
On November 11, 2019 in Department of Public health and medical statistics with the course of History of Medicine was held a seminar for the President’s Day of Tajikistan Republic with the «Our president, our pride» with the 2-d year students, with first and second groups of the Public Health Faculty.
In this seminar teaching stuff and students were very active. The seminar was started by the head of the department Juraeva N.S. She congratulated all students with the President’s Day of which is written in the History of Tajikistan with a golden letters. She encouraged all students to patriotism and noted that students should use the words of Founder of Peace and National Unity – Leader of the Nation, President of RT as a guide, study well and do their best for the prosperity of our beautiful country.
After that students Mahmadullozoda Ziyodullo made a presentation on the topic «Leader of nation - our guide» and also her classmate Toshmatova Farzona had a presentation on a topic «Youth are followers the leaders of the Nation», with poem «Our leader, our guide» gave every one positive emotions.
In conclusion senior teacher of our department Komilov I. Sh. ones again congratulated all students which this festive day - President’s Day, which is celebrated every year on 16-th of November and spoke about merit and achievement of this great human.
Department of Public Health and Medical Statistics with the course of History of medicine
16.11.2019     691

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