Avicenna Tajik State Medical University
Experience work: 37 year / the teacher: 15 year
Academic degree: Доктор
Position: Professor
Department: Otorhinolaryngology
rating: 5942.9
Experience work: 30 year / the teacher: 24 year
Academic degree: Доктор / Level: Досент
Position: Head of Department
Department: Normal Physiology
rating: 5665
Academic degree: Номзади илмҳо / Level: Досент
Department: Departmnet of Propaedeutics of Pedatrics
rating: 5563.6
Experience work: 49 year / the teacher: 35 year
Department: Medical and Biological Physics with Information Technology Basis
rating: 4910.8
Experience work: 37 year / the teacher: 27 year
Department: Family Medicine
rating: 4468.2
Experience work: 23 year / the teacher: 23 year
Department: Social Disciplines
rating: 4242.6
Experience work: 37 year / the teacher: 35 year
Department: Russian Language
rating: 4141
Experience work: 21 year / the teacher: 23 year
Department: Internal Diseases №1
rating: 4033.1
Experience work: 21 year / the teacher: 15 year
Department: Pathological Physiology
rating: 3836.4
Experience work: 26 year / the teacher: 15 year
Department: Ophthalmology
rating: 3751