From March 1 to 5, 2021, at the Department of Foreign Languages ​ ​ with students of courses 1 and 2, micro conferences were held on the topic "Countering Extremism and Terrorism," at the end of which the documentary film "Hiyonat" was watched.

 The task of universities is to train highly qualified specialists in all sectors of the national economy, including teachers, doctors, linguists, engineers and others, who would meet the needs of modern life.

Today, terrorism and extremism are one of the problems of the world community, with dire consequences.

In connection with the relevance of this problem, we note that this topic is important and necessary, since it touches on vital demanded issues of modern society.

In this article, we note that "the loss of national traditions in the education of the younger generation led to the breakdown of the connection of times, the disappearance of a sense of ownership with the history of homeland. Negative anti-racist propaganda conducted by Western media, preaching violence, the creation of terrorist organizations such as ISIL, causes a decrease in the level and criteriamorals, threatens the psychological state and health of a person, the spiritual security of the country. "

That is why exposing the ideology of terrorism and the identity of its leaders is a cornerstone in the development and implementation of a counter-terrorism strategy. In this context, the documentary "Hiyonat" ("Treason"), prepared and shown on national television of Tajikistan in early June 2020, can rightfully be attributed to the best examples in the post-Soviet space of revealing the criminal, anti-national and corrupt essence of a specific terrorist structure - the terrorist-extremist organization "Party of Islamic Revival" (FS"IRP") and its leader MuhiddinKabiry.

The film is based on archival and modern photo and video materials, including those seized during the investigation of criminal cases from the functionaries of the PIV feasibility study and in the house of Kabiri himself. The low false personality of Kabiri is revealed by his fellow villagers, relatives and former accomplices who served their sentences and were released. This gives special value and weight to their words and assessments, as people who personally know and communicated closely with the leader of the PIV feasibility study Kabiri M.

The plot of the film "Hiyonat" is built taking into account the principle of historicism and the use of the retrospective method, which made it possible to study the foreign origins and reasons for the appearance of the FS"IRPfeasibility study, show the history of its bloody activities, reveal the patterns of its functioning and the motivation of the behavior of the leader of the FS”IRP” feasibility study Kabiri M., taking into account the current situation.

Summarizing the above, we note that today it is education that has an important and responsible role in the spiritual and moral education of student youth. Especially important today is the establishment of a system of spiritual and moral formation of students. Since the spiritual and moral education of student youth is one of the priority areas in educational work in higher educational institutions of the republic.Among the main areas of such education are the formation by students of norms of tolerant behavior, religious tolerance, peacefulness and countering various types of terrorism and extremism, since the most systematic, consistent, deep spiritual and moral development and personal education takes place in a higher educational institution.

Thus, the basis in the fight against extremism among young people should be to eliminate the causes and create conditions for preventing their provocation. Society is then able to successfully counter the threat of extremism when it has a common system of moral guidelines. The solution of this problem requires the consolidation of all subjects of education - the family, an educational institution, public organizations, a constructive dialogue between teachers and representatives of the religious community in the affairs of the younger generation.

In conclusion, it should be noted that pedagogical prevention of extremist manifestations is a pedagogical influence on the morality of the student's personality, preventing or eliminating the influence of factors harmful to our society.

In this regard, today it is impossible without the formation of a stable civic position among young people, the development of initiative and independence, and the readiness to protect the interests of country.

Today we must explain to our students that Tajik culture has enriched humanity with material and spiritual values. Its representatives are outstanding writers, poets, scientists, architects, hoo-debaters, philosophers, whose activities have been deeply advanced and have played a significant role in the social, economic and cultural development of mankind.

Without studying sciences and arming with knowledge, personality is not comprehensively formed, our thinkers, teachers, writers and poets were convinced of edifications.

In our opinion, here a particularly important determining component in the development of a strategy in anti-terrorism work should be pedagogical, educational activities aimed at the restructuring of public consciousness, the impact on the restoration of positive value guidelines among students.

U.R. Yuldoshev, Doctor Ped. sciences, prof., Head of the Department of Foreign Languages ​

D.H. Sultanova, D.M. Nadzhmiddinova, S.A. Khotamova, s.p. of department.

05.03.2021     447

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