The concept of a “Healthy Lifestyle” (HL) emerged relatively recently, in the 1970s. Interest in this topic has grown due to a significant increase in life expectancy, changes in the environment, and changes in human behavior. Modern individuals are moving less, consuming more food, experiencing constant stress, and having more free time. The number of diseases with a genetic predisposition is increasing every year. How can one stay healthy and live a long and active life? We spoke with Urunbaev Safarali, the Head of the Communication and Public Relations Department at the Healthy Lifestyle Center (HLC), to find out.

What is a healthy lifestyle?

A healthy lifestyle is a way of living aimed at preserving health, preventing disease, and strengthening the human body as a whole.

How to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

One of the most important components is physical activity. Various achievements in scientific and technological progress have greatly facilitated the life of modern man. However, at the same time, we have begun to move less and less. To stay healthy, it is necessary to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. What you choose to do depends on your preferences, abilities, training, and temperament. You can even start by simply walking after work. The main thing to remember is: movement is life!

What bad habits, in your opinion, are not compatible with a healthy lifestyle?

Harmful habits such as smoking, alcohol consumption, drug use, and unhealthy eating are entirely incompatible with a healthy lifestyle. Anyone who wishes to be healthy should completely abandon these habits.

What elements does a healthy lifestyle include?

It is often said that "movement is life." To maintain good health, a person should increase their physical activity. Engaging in professional sports is not necessary. It is sufficient to walk more in the fresh air, ride a bicycle, play active games with friends, and run.

What do we in Tajikistan know about a healthy lifestyle?

On October 30, 2010, the Government of Tajikistan approved the "National Program for the Formation of a Healthy Lifestyle in Tajikistan for the Period 2011-2020." The aim of this program is to familiarize as many of our compatriots as possible with the principles of a healthy lifestyle. Our center also collaborates with the World Health Organization (WHO).

However, for human beings, the external environment encompasses not only the natural world but also societal influences. Consequently, social conditions play a crucial role in shaping the state of the body and overall health. The family, in particular, has a profound impact on the development of character and the spiritual well-being of its members. In urban settings, family interactions are often limited; family members frequently only come together during mealtimes, and even these brief periods of contact are often disrupted by the presence of television. The daily routines of family members serve as a critical indicator of lifestyle. Disruptions in rest, sleep, and nutrition within the family unit can lead to the prevalence of various health issues, including cardiovascular diseases, neuropsychiatric conditions, and metabolic disorders.

These factors significantly affect family stability and, consequently, have a detrimental impact on the health of the population as a whole.

What is the importance of physical activity for a healthy lifestyle?

Physical activity is crucial for maintaining youthfulness, delaying the onset of aging, enhancing physical appearance, eliminating excess weight, boosting vitality, and improving overall health. Despite advancements in medical science, it is impossible to eradicate all diseases; individuals must take responsibility for their own health, which sometimes necessitates a proactive approach. Over 50% of a person’s health is influenced by their lifestyle choices. Health encompasses the entirety of life, including its joys, challenges, and moments of creative inspiration. Adopting a healthy lifestyle can begin with incremental changes, and even modest efforts can yield significant benefits. Therefore, starting today, such as by walking home from work, can be a simple yet effective step. The key is to initiate concrete actions, and the positive outcomes will soon follow.

translated by Ismoilov R.

26.07.2024 1232