Sharofuddin Muhammad ibn Husain ibn Mansuri Jurjoni (1042 – 1137) was one of the most Tajik outstanding scientists in the time of khorezmshohiyon and according to some origins he is remembered in history as «The second Hippocrates». He worked as the greatest doctor in the courts of Qutbiddin Muhammadi Anushtegin (1097 – 1127) and his son Otsiz (1127 – 1156). Along with the «Zakhirai Khorezmshahi» creation which is of great medical importance as well as he created these works: «At-tibb-ul-muluki» (Royal medicine-Z.A.), «Al-agroz-ut-tibbiya va mubohis-ul-aloiya», «Khifi aloi», «Yodgor», «At-tazkirat-ul-ashrafiya fi-s-sanoati-l-tibbiya», «Zubdatu-tibb»(essence of medicine), «Kitab fi-l-qiyas», «Kitab fi-l-tahlil», «Risala-fi-amrad-al-ain»(Treatice on eye diseases) and «Kitab-ul-munabbah». These books are inherited from this Tajik scientist and their interpretation requires separate research. Between the works of this unique Tajik doctor,«Zakhirai Khorezmshahi» and «Zubdatu-tibb» have a very scientific status, which can serve as a guide for modern doctors.

The book «Zubdatu-tibb» consists mainly of three parts: 1. «Introduction to the basics of medicine and signs of recovery of the patient», 2. «Surgical discovery (dissection) of the organs of the human body» and 3. «Treatment of disease and diet». Abuali Hasan ibn Ibrohim Kattani Marvazii Bukharai was a famous physician (doctor), mathematicians and writer of the Khorezmshah dynasty. This famous scientist died in 1153 during the battle of the Guzs.His medical work entitled «Risola fi-t-tibb» has survived to the present day. Zahuriddin Abulhasan Ali ibn Zaidi Bayhaqi is considered to be a unique Tajik scientist and inherited his valuable works in the field of medicine under the names «Kitobu asmoii-l-adviya va khavvosiho va manofeiho» and «Kitobu at’imatu – marzo» Mahmud Chagmini was a physician of the Khorezm dynasty and was also known as the «pride of Khorezm». His work was known as the «Law» and included the symptoms and treatments of diseases. He presented the theoretical issues of medicine in a simple way to the readers. In general, during the reign of Korazmshahs, many Tajik doctors came to the field of science, and their scientific heritage needs to be thoroughly studied. 

Department of Education

(translated by: Mirzoi Said)

17.02.2021     688
