Scientific activity

Research of the department on the topic "Nutrition for young children." completed in 2018. For 5 years, under the leadership of the head of the department, associate professor Babaeva L.A., the applicant Gafurzhanova H.A. defended her topic: “ The physical and psychomotor development of children in the first year of life, depending on feeding” 29 June 2019 in Dushanbe.
The topic of research for 2018-2022 was approved. "Acquired diseases of the urinary system in children in the Republic of Tajikistan (risk factors, clinic, diagnosis, treatment, prevention." The research results are made out in the form of articles, theses and dissertations are planned for the degree of medical sciences.
lecturers of the department take part in the annual conferences of Avicenna TSMU teach students to participate in annual scientific and practical conferences of young scientists and students. Young assistants and students of the department top places, including abroad (Somoni Masud-Salzburg, September 2017. ; Ismoilova M. - Almaty, 2015, Niyazova. M. - Dushanbe, 2019), as well as at inter-university conferences held outside the republic (St. Petersburg, Kharkov, Hanover).
Over 5 years, 90 articles and 40 theses were published, of which 20 articles were published in the journals of the HAC of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan. Employees of the department are working on the preparation of scientific personnel for students, clinical residents and interns. The department has a student scientific society, at the meetings of which young scientists make monthly reports and presentations, as well as presentations are accompanied by a demonstration of thematic patients with an analysis of their medical history.
At 2019, an agreement was signed on cooperation between the two departments in the field of advanced higher educational medical institutions of the two countries in order to increase the intellectual and innovative resources between the department of propaedeutics of childhood diseases, hematology of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute and the department of propaedeutics of children's diseases of the State Educational Institution “ATSMU”.
For last 5 years 12 employees of the department passed courses of FPC on pedagogy, psychology and computer technologies. At 2020 year 8 employees of the department passed enhancement courses from their specialities.

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