Navruz has a history of more than six thousand years. The customs and traditions of Navruz have been preserved for future generations even before Islam, since the Zoroastrian era.

Navruz used to be celebrated in a special way. In the New Year they prepared festive food. New Year's dishes were prepared from milk, rice, wheat, chicken and fish. People decorated the table with haftshin.

Each material in the poem represents a symbol:

• Honey - sweetness of life;

• Milk - purity;

• Wine - good mood;

• Pure sugar - pride;

• Candle - household heat;

• Shamshad - sustainable life;

• Fruit - abundance of sustenance.

After the introduction of Islam, our ancestors added seven years. They decorated the table with things whose names begin with the letter “C” with haftsin, for example: apples, carrots, ginger, sumanak, garlic, vinegar, ispand.

At the same time, they wished blessings, health, peace and tranquility to their families in the new year.

The origin of Navruz is attributed to King Jamshed. Jamshed traveled the world. Arriving in Azerbaijan, he ordered the throne to be prepared. They placed it on the highest place next to the light of the Sun. The king sat on the throne wearing a royal crown. The brilliance of the Sun combined with the light of the crown jewels doubled the brightness of the Sun. People rejoiced and declared this day a New Day.

Shah Jamshed ordered the people to wash the body and put on festive clothes.

Today, with the onset of Navruz, people clean their houses of dust. After cleaning is completed, blankets, rugs, duvets and pillows are shaken and brought into the house. After this, the owner will allow you to enter the house.

The doorman enters the house with a document and says:

Shah Jamshed ordered the people to wash the body and put on festive clothes.

Today, with the onset of Navruz, people clean their houses of dust. After cleaning is completed, blankets, rugs, duvets and pillows are shaken and brought into the house. After this, the owner will allow you to enter the house.

The doorman enters the house with a document and says:

- Happy spring!

Residents answer:

- Congratulations to you!

After the people gather, a festive table is prepared.

               People go for a walk in clean clothes. The festival features squash, wrestling and other sports, and the sounds of music are heard.

The Tajik people have many hopes and dreams for Navruz of the new millennium. May this ancient and eternal holiday bring happiness, mutual understanding, good life and peace to our people.


Mahmudova S.S., Mananava P.I., Kayumova M.A.

Teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages

19.03.2024 1089