Dear readers of the scientific library!

We bring to your attention new books received in the scientific library
Shukurova, D. A. Histology [Text] : teaching aid (course of lecture) / D. A. Shukurova ; ATSMU. - Dushanbe : [s. n.], 2019. - 216 с. - ISBN 978-99975-353-4-4
The teaching aid included themes according to the main sections of a course of histology-embriology, the general and special histology. The text contains schemes, drawings and pictures of preparations which promote the best perception of educational process. The teaching aid is written according to the program of a histology course for medical universities. On writing the teaching aid, the author made use of long-term experience of teaching histology in Avisenna Tajik state medical university.
Шукурова, Д. А. Атласи бофташиноси [Текст] = Атлас по гистологии = Atlas on histology : дастури таълими / Д. А. Шукурова ; ВТ ва ХИА ЧТ, ДДТТ ба номи Абуали ибни Сино, ШИМ ДДТТ. Гист. - Душанбе : [б. и.], 2019. - 134 с. - 20.00 TJS
This atlas includes educational materials on the subject of histology and for the first time it is was first compiled into three lahguages-Tajik,Russian and English,in accordance with the approved histology program for medical universities. In the atlas the microscopic structure of tissues and organs in presented, which acquaints with the characteristic features of the structure of tissues and organs.
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30.09.2019 1118
